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It must have been the wind....

jokes aside, It was an excellent game.
I played as 'Trenity'.


hia! is this game still being developed?


Yes, we are still working on the game. We hope to have more progress updates in the coming months.


It's cool you guys managed to make this complex of gameplay using Ren'Py - it really breaks the barriers of what can be done with it. 

I also enjoy the dialogue and overall story. It's a joy to play so far!


excited to play this.!

when'll it come out, and will it be paid when it does?


Glad to hear you're excited about our game.

The game will release in spring 2025 and it will be paid. We will reveal the exact price point at a later date.


ofc it will be paid. I enjoyed this game so much and I was going to play it once the full ver came out but nothing good is ever free. 

Could you possible consider making it so that there's a free version and some routes are locked, and can only be accessed from buying the full version

that’s so ungrateful omg??


its not ungrateful. There was not a SINGLE thing in that game that would state any form of payment in the full thing. not in the description, or in-game. I expected it would be free, bc nobody thought to put a damn warning that the full version will be a paid project.

(6 edits) (+1)

yet another video game that ignites the eternal anemoia i have for a reality outside of my own ~ToT~ i love this & i love Two foreverrrr


damn you are a breath of fresh air with this gem


good game, very good writing, I’d love 2 but he looks so scary 

Iuuno why I sound like a 6 years old but yeah play this game yall!


i'm obsessed with 2 (I chose Hope for his name) he's so pathetic <3 i mean that in a good way lol


"He's so pathetic" has me yelling! Just played the demo again and I chose this name for him as well. There is a lot of potential for this game. I truly can't wait to tap into the full release (hopefully) next month. 


there just really aren't enough pathetic male ROs. i want my man to be the damsel in distress, damnit


is this a romance visual novel?


Yes and no. We would not call it a romance visual novel as such, but building your relationships with the other characters is a main focus of the game. If you choose to pursue a romance, that will influence the interactions you have with them in both small and larger ways, as well as provide additional romance specific content.


Been a while since I played this, so I replayed it. I forgot how much personality is crammed into all the characters. So much that you can very quickly pick and choose your favorites.

just played the demo and it was so GOOD!! cant wait for updates

Deleted 209 days ago

So glad to hear you enjoyed the game.

Rest assured that we are still working on the game, and are planning to post an update on the status of the project before the end of the year. We know it has been a bit of a wait, but hope it will be worth it in the end.

Regarding your second question, we are not currently planning an Android release.

Deleted 199 days ago

 played it back then and this game has a lot of potential, even if update for now is low I'll still be waiting for the full game <333 take care everyoneee


I played the demo and I enjoyed it! 

Checked the kickstarter page too but did not find any new update. I hope there will be one soon


Good to know the game is still in development. It would be great if you guys can post some new updates about the project, even if it's going slowly

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! I played this game awhile ago (a little over a year ago) and multiple times since. It's a lovely game and I enjoy it a lot. I will be buying the full game when it releases. I wish I had found it early enough to back it up on Kickstarter. Please let me know if there is anyway to help fund or donate as I feel like this beautiful plotline, interesting characters/self-characterization, and customizing options are god-tier. I am obsessed still <333


We are so happy to hear that you still enjoy this first part of the game! Self characterization, the role-playing aspect to games, is particularly important to us, so it means a lot to hear that it is appreciated. We are slowly resuming work on the game after a longer disruption, and will soon have an update up on Kickstarter that we will share here on itch as well. <3


Just checked out the demo, and thought it was pretty cool. I can't wait for the release, but I was wondering if you guys had an estimated release date yet. Good job so far either way.


Following up on that, maybe a new follow up announcement on the current state of the game, since the last one was around the end of 2022.


i've never heard of it before. looked at the preview and and thought "sure why not"  and i gotta say.. i love the story.. the consequences of the actions and the way you can form relationships with characters and interact in a varity of ways. i hope to see more in the future. and im glad i could experience it for what it is until now.     keep up the good work and take care :)


I hope this game is still in development. I can't praise it enough. So fun, and I love the characters


We are absolutely still working on the game, it is just taking longer than we had planned. Here is a link to our latest Kickstarter update:


I didn't discover the game until long after the Kickstarter had ended but I really enjoyed what I played in the Demo. Will there be any way to pick up the guide when the game releases or is that just a Kickstarter item only? I'm very bad at playing these sorts of games and then ending upset because one decision I made early game gets me killed or locks me out of a romance option many hours in or something. Totally fine if it's  a Kickstarter reward only and I have to figure it out the hard way, but thought I'd ask. :)


We are happy to hear you enjoyed the demo. While some rewards were Kickstarter exclusive, we have plans to make the game guide available for purchase upon the game’s release. We know your pain of getting locked out of stuff. :)

I just now stumbled upon the game like a day ago(?) But I do really adore it for what it is so far. The traits and character codex is very neat as well. I can't wait for the release as Fall is finally here  (At least for me)


Thank you!

We are afraid our intended release date has been pushed to 2023, so you'll have to wait a bit longer. Hopefully it will be worth the wait.

Alright!!! I'm sure it will be :))

I really like what you've done with this so far and can't wait till there's more to play. I'll also be happy when I can save the game too, but I understand as this is still a demo that that's probably not implemented yet. As a blind player, I actually got most of this to work pretty well. The parts when it said click anywhere to continue got me stuck a few times, but I tried some random number keys (mostly the a key,) and it got the game to continue. I do suggest in the final version to have the option to turn the music and sound volume down though just in case as there were parts where the music was almost too loud for me compared to the self voicing for reading out the text. Otherwise, great game and can't wait for more!

Thank you for your valuable input! You can use the escape key to access the game menu where you can save the game and change volume sliders. We will make sure to make this more clear in the final version of the game. We will also look into any issues with getting past tutorial screens.

Thanks for getting back to me on the saving thing. Like I said, this game is really good so far and has lots of potential, so can't wait to see what you come up with next for it *smiles*

this is so good  I hope u will update soon

No android versi?


No, we are not currently planning an android version. For the moment, our focus is on PC versions of the game.

ah...thanks for answer....


The demo says the full game would be released March 2022, is there any news from the devs


The current expected release date is late Q2 2022. We are sorry this has not been made clear here on Itch. We have added the information now, and will make sure to keep it updated as we get closer to release.


Wow that final scene was really moving, and totally screen shot worthy! (id say more about what I loved about it, but realize that would have been a bit spoiler ish so I wont, but just wanted to let you know I really appreciated it!) Look forward to being able to play the finished game.  And Id be happy to pay for it too!

I don’t usually write comments but OMG this game is so good!The storytelling is amazing and the characters are just so *chef’s kiss*.

Im so hooked and I can’t wait for the full game to be out!


I usually don't write comments, nor do I play a lot of demos, but this was brilliant, honestly! So brilliant that I felt a bit sad once the demo ended, but if everything goes to plan, it will be out of beta in March of this year! That's nice to hear. I anticipate what else will be to come once the full game is released.


Even as a demo this is one of the best visual novels I've ever played. For me, the story alone would be enough to make it interesting, so everything else just made it phenomenal in my opinion. The music and sound affects, the art and animations, the complex characters, *chef's kiss*. I love the way previous choices get brought up and affect relationships, I'm seeing some of the most realistic interactions I've ever seen in a game. I love the way that personality is formed and recorded, and that we have the option to embrace or reject traits. And I'm so happy to be able to use telekinesis this way in a visual novel. My only criticism would be that there's no option to skip past already seen text if you're replaying, other than that I think the game is literally perfect. I can't imagine how much work must've gone into this demo. I unfortunately discovered the game too late to back on kickstarter, but I'm glad to see that it was funded and I'm looking forward to purchasing the full game once it's completed!

Just finished playing the demo! It was good, I like the story so far can't wait to see where it takes us! I felt bad about excluding somebody from those anti-radioactive syringes(?) but i guess it can't be helped. :(

By the way I wasn't able to open the demo from, was able to play it from steam, I'm not sure what the problem is? If it helps I'm on Windows 10.

Can't wait to see where you take us in this game! <3

(3 edits)

Love this game! The world building, the tension created by    the music, the character dynamics, and the dialogue choices you can make all are very interesting and I found myself playing the demo more than once just to explore all the options/unlock different traits.    Can't wait for the full game!

P.S. (potential spoiler don't read if you haven't played the demo at all)   I did run into a thing at this point in the game, not sure if anyone else ran into this or if it's just me: 

When choosing the option on the right (Understanding who they are...whole situation), I get this:

The game continues normally when pressing  'Ignore', so not a significant issue.   Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but let me know if y'all need more details!


Wonderful to hear that you enjoyed exploring the different options. Creating variable outcomes has been one of the most fun parts of development, and there will be even more of that in the full game.

Thank you for bringing that bug to our attention. The problem is due to us deciding not to incorporate a specific trait in the demo. The error does not have any knock-on effects, but we will be sure to fix it in our upcoming updated version with avatar customization.

this game is so good im super impressed I  love all the characters especially number 2 I felt so bad for him I can't wait to see where his character goes 

Had a TON of fun with this one. Completely wild that you can actually click on objects to throw them-- haven't encountered many VNs in indie spaces that do this. Very cool story so far; excited to see what's next! 

Thank you for playing our demo! Seeing how much you enjoyed the game made our day.

And it’s great to see the QTEs being appreciated. We wanted to make sure the players feel their powers growing over the course of the game, just as the character does, and we don’t think that would have been as easily accomplished without the interactivity.

Thank you once more. Looking forward to see what you think of the finished game :)


do you think you guys can include more custom options for the MC? height, body type, hair, skin color etc? I think the MC is very tall and I feel it doesn't have much inclusiveness. I hope everything goes well with the game! I absolutely loved it!! <3


We would love to include more body types and customization options in general. Unfortunately, most of these would be more expensive and time-consuming to implement than we can currently afford. 

We will however be adding skin colour and hair colour customization.


You guys made it, congrats!


Yay!!! :D


will you guys eventually get more race options for the mc?

No, that's not something we have planned.


oh, well I hope you guys will eventually consider it.

(1 edit) (+2)

Edit: Highly recommend anyone that enjoys the demo to go back this on Kickstarter.
At time of posting, it's still a little short of the baseline goal, with only 4 days left to support it.


Just finished my first playthrough of the available snippet.

I really like the Embrace/Reject approach to acquiring personality traits.
That's a very clever little feature, and neatly avoids the pitfalls of other personality/morality systems.

There's the odd typo I've noticed in the demo, but I assume those will be checked over and fixed for/following full release.
(Ones I noticed were an instance of 'they/them' pronouns being paired with "has" instead of "have", and a dialogue option that mentioned going East when the instruction was West.)

The characters are interesting and distinct, and they all react fairly understandably to their circumstances.
I'm definitely looking forward to learning more about each of them. ... though I know exactly who my least favourite is already.

It's especially cool to see that it seems certain dialogue/action options are accurately reflected in how characters respond to the protagonist.
Thinking specifically of the fact that, as soon as it was clear Subject 1 couldn't (safely) see for himself, I started picking any options I could to give a clear description for him. Which he notes later!

Another major positive: excellent accessibility options.
Really nice to see devs give due consideration to accessibility, and even provide multiple settings (including no time limit) for QTEs.

Thanks for the demo!


Thank you very much for your kind words, and for making us aware of those mistakes. It's really helpful.

Do you remember where that wrong verb conjugation after they/them was? We've made a thorough search, but can't find it. Maybe we're simply tired from everything going on right now :)

Apparently my memory of the 'have/has' typo was backwards.

It's in the character description:
"[playername], like their companions, have no memories from before Sublime set them free."


Ah, thank you! We'll make the changes for the next update.


would you like some help getting more diverce pronoun sets?


Which pronouns to include in the game is something we have discussed at length. We want to be welcoming to all and not make anyone feel as if we’re excluding them. However, one could never provide an exhaustive list of all pronouns, and so at some point we would have to choose which pronouns to include and which ones not to. 

There is no clear right decision, but we opted to go for one masculine, one feminine, and one pronoun outside that binary. Our hope is that our players will find one of these acceptable. 

All this being said, we listen to all feedback, and at this point nothing is set in stone.

i don't know how pronouns specifically work in your game or if you have voice actors or anything, but there are actually a lot of games in this genre that do let you have neo pronouns, like, for example, fox spirit a to tailed adventure. And then, for multipole pronouns, you could mix it up. Being non-binary isn't like being cis; a lot of the time, pepole don't just have one pronoun. If you did this, a lot more pepole would feel counterbore playing your game. You have a good start.


This is different then what im used to, im liking what im seeing so far though.


Thank you so much! We took a risk by going outside the box and we're happy to see people respond positively to it.

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